Patients love their Dentist in Agoura Hills, CA

  • February, 27, 2018
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We love being spoiled with beautiful flowers from our wonderful patients! These lovely blooms remind us that spring is almost here… which means its time for Spring Cleaning! Don’t forget about your smile as you get ready for spring. Call us today to schedule a spring cleaning for your teeth!   


Why Should You Consider Opting For Cosmetic Dentistry Services?

  • February, 12, 2018
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Our smiles are one of our greatest assets and also a major defining character in their own right. When we smile, not only we look great but it also gives us the confidence that we need to have while interacting socially with others. However, the truth is not everyone is blessed with a truly beautiful smile. In many cases, irregularities in the gum and teeth structure may diminish the aesthetic aspect of our smiles. We may also feel less confident and self conscious which in turn make us less confident to interact socially with others. In such instances, the best thing for us to do is to get in touch with a cosmetic dentistry Malibu CA expert who can provide us with beautiful teeth and gums and rectify all anomalies with them.

Dental braces Malibu CA

The Role of a Cosmetic Dentistry Specialist

 Cosmetic dentistry is a major field of dentistry these days that plays a crucial role to resolve different types of gum and teeth problems. As the name suggests, cosmetic dentistry mainly deals with the aesthetic elements of dentistry and provides one with a nice smile. If you have teeth that have been damaged by some accident or if there are gum problems that make your teeth look hideous, you can easily rely on a professional cosmetic dentistry expert. These professionals can carry out a thorough teeth cleaning Malibu CA procedure and provide you with a range of other supportive treatments that can make it easier for you to have positive dental health.

Services Offered By a Cosmetic Dentistry Specialist

 While you may think that a dental Malibu CA expert known for offering cosmetic dentistry services can only work to improve the aesthetic aspects of your smile, in reality they can do more than that. In many cases, dental problems not only diminish the beauty of your face but they also lead to other serious infections or dental problems if they are not treated in time. For instance, you may need dental braces or dental implants to prevent further damage of your teeth over time. In such cases, a dentist expert in dealing with Dental braces Malibu CA products can help you to resolve dental health difficulties with the right kind of braces or other similar products. The dentists Malibu CA are quite familiar with the latest developments taking place in the field of cosmetic dentistry and can provide you with the support that you need to have a positive smile.

The Increasing Importance of Cosmetic Dentistry Services

 Over the years, the importance of cosmetic dentistry has increased tremendously and now it is considered as an integral part of dental healthcare services. While at one point of time people hardly had any scope to rectify anomalies with their dental structure, nowadays they can go for a simple procedure and get back to a normal and healthy life. The efficiency and simplicity of these procedures have made more people come forward and go for these services so that they can live their lives with a greater sense of confidence.

Smiles at Dentist in Agoura Hills

  • February, 8, 2018
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We love to make you smile at Agoura Dental Group! It’s February and love is in the air. What other way to show yourself some love by giving your smile some TLC? Whether it is coming to Agoura Dental Group for your semi-annual check up or scheduling your Smileography Smile Makeover,  we can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.  Before embarking on a complete smile make-over journey, many patients enjoy sitting down with Dr. Choroomi and digitally trying on their new smile before any dental work even begins. Smileography allows patients to see how their new smiles would look and make cosmetic adjustments before the impressions are sent out to the lab. Whether it is a dazzling white Hollywood megawatt smile or a confident bright smile that you are desiring, you are in control of the shade, shape and size of your new smile. With many years of experience and many dazzling Smile Makeovers, you are in expert hands with Dr. Choroomi.

Stop by our office and relax in our massage chair as you look through Dr. Choroomi’s portfolio of remarkable Smile-Makeovers.  We look forward to your visit.


Enamel Health

  • January, 16, 2018
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Oranges have essential vitamin contents, antioxidants, protein, water percentage, and fiber. These are necessary minerals that help in keep the nutrients in your body balanced. With flu season being in full swing, it is important to drink lots of orange juice. However, it is important to protect your oral health as well.

Here are a couple tips to keep your enamel healthy:
♥ Never EVER suck on lemons or limes! This is a surefire way to soften the enamel on your teeth.
♥ Use a straw when drinking fruit juices (Good tip when drinking coffee and tea: a straw keeps the stains away!)
♥ Rinse your mouth with water after eating fruit to dilute the acids in your mouth. Do not brush for at  least 30 minutes. This gives time for your enamel to resettle.
♥ Keep your enamel strong by brushing with fluoridated toothpaste and don’t forget to ask for a fluoride treatment at your next dental cleaning appointment.

What Is Dental Erosion?

As hard and tough as tooth enamel is, highly acidic fruits,  fruit juices, carbonated beverages and even reflux cause the break down of enamel and prohibit the remineralization process. Once this breakdown begins to occur, your teeth become more susceptible to discoloration, sensitivity (to cold and hot temperatures, sweet foods etc) which eventually leads to decay. Decay leads to cavities and dental problems.  According to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), the calcium in saliva can help strengthen enamel, but when the environment in your mouth is too acidic, remineralization of your enamel will not occur.

The Importance of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a key player in your overall health and well being. It helps repair, strengthen and maintain many of your tissue structures. This includes your bones, cartilage and teeth. In fact, according to The Journal of the American Dental Association, Vitamin C deficiency is a leading cause of periodontal disease.

Your body is unable to create Vitamin C by itself,  so you need to get your daily requirement by taking eating foods that are rich in Vitamin C and avoiding foods that inhibit the metabolism of Vitamin C. The highest levels of Vitamin C are found in those wonderful yet highly acidic fruits: oranges and lemons. Therefore, taking precautions to keep most acidic fruits from hurting your teeth is important.

Next time you are enjoying that delicious orange, just remember to rinse your mouth with water.


Treatment Thursday

  • January, 11, 2018
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There is a saying in the dental field: “Dentistry is not expensive, however neglect is!” By scheduling your semi-annual exam and cleaning, you are paying attention to your oral health and ensuring your overall well being. During your dental visit, we will take x-rays and create a custom treatment plan designed specifically to your needs.

It is never too late to start taking better care of your teeth. Take advantage of Treatment Thursday by calling Agoura Dental Group at (818)735-3800 and scheduling your visit. We look forward to hearing from you.

Whitening Wednesday

  • January, 10, 2018
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  • Postd by : Admin

Since we are having such a  bright and sunny day today, we are celebrating Whitening Wednesday! To make sure your smile is as bright as your day, stop by our office and pick up one of our Take-Home Whitening Kits for $69 TODAY only! These whitening kits are safe for all smiles and give you the flexibility to whiten your smile in the comfort of your own home.

Also, in honor of Whitening Wednesday, we are offering our In-Office Whitening for $130 per session.

A bright and beautiful smile is an important asset. Not only do white teeth enhance your smile, but they increase your confidence about your appearance. Stop by Agoura Dental Group to pick up your $69 Take-Home Whitening Kit. Do you have 20 minutes to spare? Come on by and relax in our luxurious massage chair and receive our In-House Whitening Treatment while watching your favorite Netflix show.