Call (818) 300-7000 For Emergency Medical Assistance.
Emergencies happen with little warning and can leave people feeling panicked. Being prepared for dental emergencies and having an emergency dentist upon whom you can rely can help you stay calm and in control. Agoura Dental Group and our Agoura Hills emergency dentistry expert offer 24/7 emergency dental care for patients in need of immediate attention.
Common dental emergencies include:
Some of these injuries require immediate care, including knocked-out teeth and sports-related injuries. A luxated tooth is a tooth that has been partially dislodged from its socket, but the tooth may still be able to be saved. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever or use a cold pack for pain, and then see us as soon as possible. An avulsed tooth is a tooth that has been knocked out of its socket entirely. Rinse any debris from the tooth, and gently reinsert it, biting lightly to secure it in place. If the tooth does not easily slip back into position, put it in the tooth preservation kit or in a glass of milk. See our expert in emergency dentistry in Agoura Hills immediately.
A dental emergency kit can be a useful addition to any first aid kit. While this kit cannot replace the professional assistance of our expert in emergency dentistry in Agoura Hills, it can stabilize your smile until you can reach our office. Stock your kit with gauze, temporary filling material, dental floss, a tooth preservation kit and a cold compress. You can add ibuprofen or another NSAID pain reliever as needed.
You also need to keep the number of our Agoura Hills emergency dentistry expert close at hand. Whether a tooth has been knocked out or you suspect you have an infection, we have the ability to stabilize the injury, treat the damage or disease, and restore the tooth. Serious dental injuries may necessitate a root canal treatment. Some teeth may need to be braced into position to allow them to heal properly. Whether it’s the middle of the day or the middle of the night, your emergency dentist is just a phone call away! Call us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment with our dentist in Agoura Hills.
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